
Rodent Removal

If you’re looking for an experienced and reliable rodent control company, Boone Wildlife Control is the perfect choice for you. We have been providing quality service for over 30 years in the St Louis area.

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Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing the best possible solution for your rodent control needs.


Pro's at Rodent Management

Our team of experts is highly trained in the latest rodent control techniques, and we use only the best products and methods to ensure that your property is free of rodents. We understand that it is important to keep your home and business safe from rodents, and our team is committed to providing you with the highest level of service.

At Boone Wildlife Control, we use a variety of strategies to control rodent populations. We use traps and baiting systems to capture and remove rodents, as well as exclusion methods to prevent new rodents from entering your property. We also use a variety of repellents and deterrents to keep rodents away from your home or business.

In addition to our rodent control services, we also offer other services such as wildlife removal, animal damage repair, and wildlife exclusion. We are committed to providing you with the best possible service, and we strive to make sure that our customers are satisfied with the results.

The Damage Rodents Can Do

Rodents can also cause structural damage to your home. They can chew through wooden beams, joists, and support columns, leading to weakened structures. They can also chew through drywall, creating holes and allowing moisture to enter. This can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can cause health issues for you and your family.

Internal Damage

Rodents can cause a lot of damage to your home if left unchecked. They can chew through walls and floors, gnaw on electrical wiring, and damage insulation. They can also bring in disease-carrying parasites, such as fleas, ticks, and mites.

External Damage

The most common rodent pests in homes are rats and mice. Rats are larger than mice and can cause more damage. They are capable of chewing through wood, plastic, and even metal. They can also squeeze through tiny cracks in walls and floors to gain entry to your home.

Boone To Rescue

Mice are smaller than rats and are usually found in attics or basements. They can chew through insulation and electrical wiring, leading to potential fire hazards. They can also contaminate food sources, spread diseases, and cause allergies.

Schedule Your Free Inspection

The best way to protect your home from rodent damage is to call us at Boone Wildlife Control, we will solve your rodent problem permanently.


Rats Causing trouble?

Rats are one of the most common pests found in homes and businesses. Rats can cause a lot of damage to your property and can spread disease. If you have a rat problem, it is important to take action quickly to prevent further damage and health risks.

Boone Wildlife Control can help you get rid of your rat problem. We specialize in humane and effective rat removal. Our team of experts is highly trained and experienced in dealing with rat infestations. We use a variety of methods to get rid of rats, including trapping, baiting, and exclusion. We can also help you identify the entry points that rats are using to get into your home or business, so that we can prevent future infestations.


How it looks like working with Boone Wildlife

When you choose Boone Wildlife Control for your rat removal needs, you can rest assured that your rat problem will be taken care of quickly and effectively. Our team is dedicated to providing the best customer service and satisfaction. We are committed to using humane and environmentally-friendly methods to get rid of rats. We will also provide you with advice on how to prevent future infestations.

If you have a rat problem, don’t wait any longer. Contact Boone Wildlife Control today for professional and effective rat removal services in St Louis and surrounding area. We are here to help you get rid of your rat problem quickly and safely.


Mice Removal

Mice removal is an important part of pest control, and Boone Wildlife Control is the expert when it comes to this service. Our team of experienced technicians are trained and certified to handle mice removal in the most effective and humane way possible. We understand that mice can be a nuisance and can cause damage to your property, and we will take the necessary steps to get rid of them as quickly and safely as possible.

When it comes to mice removal, the first step is to identify the source of the problem. We will inspect your home or business for any signs of mice activity, such as droppings, chew marks, or other signs of infestation. Once the source has been identified, we will determine the best course of action to remove the mice from your property. This can include traps, baits, and other methods to ensure that the mice are removed and not able to return.

Once the mice have been removed, we will take the necessary steps to ensure that they cannot return. This may include sealing any cracks or crevices, or installing exclusion barriers. We can also suggest other preventative measures, such as keeping food and trash in sealed containers and regularly cleaning and vacuuming the area.

At Boone Wildlife Control, we understand that mice removal can be a stressful and difficult task. Our team of experienced technicians are here to provide you with the best service possible and ensure that your property is free of mice. Contact us today to learn more about our mice removal services in St Louis and surrounding area.